Human Resources Development at VNU University of Law in the 2015-2020 period, a vision to 2030
Cập nhật lúc 0:00, 28/11/2015 (GMT+7)



-                      VNU Development Stratagy to 2020, a vision to 2030;

-                      VNU School of Law’s Development Strategy to 2020, a vision to 2030;

-                      Higher Education Law; Action plan of the educational sector in implementing the Education Development Strategy 2011-2020; Program of basic, comprehensive innovation of education and training, improvement of human resouces for national industrialization, modernization, and international integration…

-                      Based on the country’s needs of socio-economic development, international context, capability of meeting demands for human resources, competence of implementation of the planned development targets of VNU School of Law.


After fourty years of establishment and development, VNU School of Law has been one of three leading centers for law education and training in Vietnam.

The factor that has played a dicisive role in creating achivements and position of VNU School of Law in the past years is its strongly and potentially growing human resource. At current, the School has 110 academic and support staff. Specifically:

- Total academic staff: 61 persons. Ratio of academic staff on total staff: 61/110 x 100% = 61%.

            - Ratio of professors and associate professors on total academic staff (included lecture assistants and academic staff): 14/61 x 100% = 23%.

            - Ratio of doctors, professors, and associate professors on total academic staff (included lecture assistants and academic staff): 41/61 x 100% = 67%. 

In the past years, under the leadership of its Party Committee, the School of Law has targeted the development of its human resource in order to meet the need of growth. Every year, the School organizes recruitment to attract high-quality human resource to itself.

However, VNU School of Law has faced with many constraints in developing its human resource. Specifically:

1) Planning on, development of human resource of the School is highly passive, short-termed. The School has yet had a human resource development strategy with a long vision which is able to meet the need of development phases of the School.

2) The human resource structure of the School is inappropriate if it is compared in relation with the size of the School as a whole and between divisions of the School. Some sections, research centers lack of highly-qualified staff and may face with human resource inadequacies in the coming time.

3) The quantity and quality of the human resource has yet met the task of developing the School in international integration process and especially upgrading the School into a VNU member university as being indicated in the following aspects:

- Management staff haven’t been trained on modern university management, therefore their practices are not highly professional; management and support for training, research, and development collaboration activities are poorly effective, planning practices fail to meet requirements yet, quality culture has yet developed distinctively. Some support staff are not professional, unable to work independently, leading to ineffective performance; 

- Academic staff are inadequate in quantity. Leading experts in professional fields are insufficient. Academic staff whose papers are published in international journals and who are known at regional and international levels and/or invited to give letures, do research abroad are few. The number of academic staff whose foreign language skills are good enough to give lectures fails to meet demands for developing and expanding strategic, international, advanced, and high quality academic programs. Some academic staff still lack of modern teaching and researching methods.

4) The School has yet had a breakthrough, synchronic, and long term mechanism, policy of recruitment, promotion, attraction, and use of the talented.

5)  Human resource training and retraining activities have not had comprehensive, professional implementation plans, and have not been invested properly yet.

6) Attraction and utility of cum lecturers, visiting lecturers, especially Vietnamese overseas and foreign lecturers are highly limited and haven’t been emphasized properly.

Therefore, in order to obtain the goal of upgrading the School of Law into a VNU member university and in 2020 becoming a research-oriented university of regional level and in 2030 of international level, the School needs a human resource development strategy in the 2015-2020 period and a vision to 2030 as follows:


3.1. Huam resource development is a strategic breakthrough, a key factor which is decisive for the growth of the School in 2015-2020 period and years later.

3.2. The human resource development strategy is built based on the perspective that considers human resource the biggest asset of the School, costs on human resource development are costs on investing in the School’s growth, and highly significant for the society.

3.3. The human resource development strategy must guarantee that the School will develop stably, soundly, and remain as a leading academic center of regional and international levels in Vietnam.

3.4. The strategy aims to develop the human resource towards sustainability, professionalism, attracting and using the talented, encouraging and celebrating the spirit of dedication.

3.5. The human resource development strategy reflects the spirit of taking advantage of its internal strength, mobilizing sources for human development; at the same time, guarantees the creation of motivation, use of resources, and improvement of effectiveness of the resources.

3.6.  The human resource development strategy of the School must be in line with the regional and international integration trends meeting needs of development and strengthening of Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam as a legitimate state.

3.7. The human resource development strategy needs guarantee the synchronous, united, strong and hamornious association with the overall development strategy of the School/University and fit with the education and training development strategy of VNU and the nation.


4.1. Goal to 2020: Build appropriate, dynamic organization apparatus structure; have sufficient human resource for developing the School of Law to become a leading research-oriented university in Vietnam with some regional level specialities.

4.2. A vision to 2030

1. Overall objective: By 2030, build a contingent of scientific staff, management staff who obtain international-standard knowledge and skills. Build the personnel structure reasonably, in which academic staff are a main source accounting for 70 per cent and higher to meet the need of a research-oriented university; maintain and uphold the role of a leading law university in Vietnam which reaches regional and international levels.

2. Specific objectives:

a) The School of Law becomes the University of Law; its organization structure is developed and strengthened towards modernicity, suitability, and professionalism. The administrative management apparatus is light with clearly defined functions, obligations, responsilibities for operation effectiveness; the sections, centers… are organized in conformity with the training specialities, and the orientations in the science and service development strategy, which take advantages of the School’s tradition, emphasizes new specialities, associates scientific research, training and services to meet the need of Vietnam and international integration.

b)  Develop the School to become a knowledge creation and transfer center, attracting the talented from inside and outside the country.

c)  The human resource size is built equivalently, reasonably, and suitably with the requirements of each development phase of the School/University.

d) Create a breaking through change in quantity and quality of the academic staff of the School/University:

- By 2020, increase the number of academic staff to reach at least the ratio of 1 lecturer/12 students; 100 per cent of the School’s academic staff obtain graduate and post graduate levels, of which over 70 per cent have a doctor degree, 30 per cent have professor and associate professor titles; the rate of academic staff who are able to give lectures in a foreign language reaches 30 per cent and higher. To 2030, 100 per cent of academic staff of the School reach doctoral level, of which 50 per cent have professor and associate professor titles; the rate of the academic staff who can lecture in a foreign langauge reaches 50 per cent and higher, particularly the contingent of leading scientists whose scientific research works are pulished internationally and cited at a high rate; 100 per cent of the academic staff have at least 02 papers published in prestigious science journals/reference books/year.

- After 2020, each year there are over 30 foreign lecturers and scientists giving lectures and doing research in the School and 30 lecturers and scientists of the School work as guess lecturers and do research in foreign universities and research institutes.

e) Build a contingent of management staff and support staff who are well-trained, professional, dedicated, highly-disciplined, and consent at work, capable of coordination; guarantee 100 per cent of management staff are trained to enhance professional level, foreign language, and management competences in accord with contemprary university management standards, at least 25 per cent of support staff have good command of English for work and communication purposes.


5.1. Determine size, structure of the human resource, standardize titles. Implement personnel estimation, workload in accord with requirements of each development phase of the School/University

a) Planning on, training, retraining, recruitment, and development of the human resource of the School/University must guarantee an appropriate scale, in which over 70 per cent are academic staff, and by 2020 a ratio of 1 faculty/14 students and by 2030 a ratio of 1 faculty/12 students is obtained.

b) Develop a contingent of management staff and scientific staff synchronously with an appropriate structure of sector/subsector, profession level, age, gender to ensure inheritance and developmentality, in which an emphasis is placed on developing the adademic staff, takling the shortages of highly ranked, leading scientists.

c) Build a system of criteria, standards for each type of staff as basis for personnel standardization of the School/University; implement personnel estimation, workload in line with the requirement of human resource development in each development stage of the School.

5.2. Innovate policy of recruitment, attraction, use of staff

a) Innovate mechanism, policy of recruitment to increase proactiveness, responsbility in searching for, attracting candidates who have quality, good moral, personality of an excellent lecturer and/or a manager.

b) Diversify human resources with concentration on excellent students graduating from the School/University, and/or from the undergraduate and graduate programs in advanced universities abroad. At the same time, build a training, retraining procedure and implement a screening mechanism to ensure quality of the staff.

c) Build policies to attract, support, and promote potential scientists from other education institutes, research institutes, organizations national and international to work for the School/University through different types of contract.

d)  Publically and transparenly recruit, allocate  jobs, evaluate, and use staff depending on their merit, capacity, strength, job requirements to promote operational efficiency, to create opportunities for staff to develop and motivate them to stay attached to the School/University.

5.3. Implement policies to promote and honor the spirit of dedication and creativity of the academic staff and support staff

a)  Develop policies to actually promote the management staff, excellent academic staff through deserved remuneration. Study and promulgate policies to encourage and celebrate the spirit of dedication and creativity of support staff, academic staff of the School/University. Innovate competion so as to link it with annual staffing assessment as well as wage and income policies so as to encourage management staff and academic staff to work with high effectiveness.

b) Build regulations on management over observance of labor discipline of support staff, academic staff, staffing assessment and classification criteria to pay wage and additional income; implement measures to improve working efficiency, maintain spirit of discipline and consensus in the School/University.

5.4. Strengthen and improve quality of human resource planning, training, and development

a) Strengthen planning on management staff, scientific staff, associate planning with training and retraining. Focus on planning and development of a contingent of highly-qualified scientists, including planning on leading staff who are expected to become core personnel of the School/University.

b) Organize training and retraining courses for human resources who are professional, highly qualified meeting objectives and requirements of development of the School/University until 2020, with a vision to 2030. Implement standard-based training and retraining for management staff  and academic staff.

c) Organize training and retraining courses on management for each group of staff; enhance management experience exchange with other units from inside and outside VNU and internationally in order to improve professional skills and management experience of management staff.

d) Organize training and retraining courses on professional issues, foreign language and information technology for support staff so as to enhance professional skills to perform assigned tasks.

e) Develop mechanisms, policies of nomination of academic staff for home and abroad study on an annual basis.

f) Select young, competent staff to participate in the Program on Preperation of Academic Staff of Doctor level for Universities, Colleges in 2010-2020 period issued in association with Decision No 911/QD-TTg dated 17/6/2010 of the Prime Ministery.

g) Develop mechanisms, policies to detect and foster young scientific staff with scientific dedication; have training and retraining plans for scientific staff, encouraging them to improve their professional qualifications, foreign language, and information technology skills.

k) Boost international collaboration to create conditions for support and academic staff to access to training, retraining courses in universities, research institutes overseas.

5.5. Innovate mechanisms, policies of cum lecturers, visisting lecturers

a) Implement review and assessment of the situation of cum lecturers, visiting lecturers of the School/University.

b) Have mechanisms, policies to attract foreign prestigious scientists, Vietnamese overseas scientists to get involved in teaching and scientific research at the School/University.

5.6. Innovate mechanism to create motivation for academic staff to involve in scientific research

a) Build and organize implementation of Program for Leading Researchers of the School/University.

b) Build and organize implementation of the Project on International Paper Publishcation for Young Lecturers.

c) Organize scientific activities for young academic staff on a regular basis.

5.7. Innovate financial policies for human resource development

a) The School/University prioritizes investment budget for human resource development. Manages consistently financial investment resources for human resource development of the School/University.

b) Be active, proactive at creating funds, implementing socialization of financial resources for  human resources development of the School/University. Research to establish the University Development Fund so as to raise funds from inside and outside the School/University for development of the School/University, particularly for human resources.

c) Have a breakthrough policy, mechanism to promote intellectual potential, raise income levels and working conditions for staff so that they will be dedicated to the work, have opportunity to obtain profesisonal development and promotion, first offer adequate funding, facilities and equipments for training, research of the staff, especially the leading staffs, the management staff .


6.1. The School’s Party Committee enhances its directives on having a consent understanding and action in implementing the human resource development strategy. The Dean organizes to make this strategy clear throughout the School, concretizing it into appropriate projects, plans and action programs for implementation; builds sanctions, strengthens inspection and supervision of the implementation of the strategy of human resource development.

6.2. The Party subcommittees, the managers of the attached units base on the Human Resource Development Strategy to develop short term, medium term, and long term plans, action programs in accord with their units as planned.

            6.3. The unions are active and creative at implementing the human resource development strategy according to their functions, tasks, and capabilities.

            6.4. Every year, the School and its attached units review, adjust action plans to be in line with the actual situation.

6.5. The School’s leaders, heads of the attached units give drastic directives to, check, supervise strictly the implementation of the human resource development strategy, annual programs, action plans for success.


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